Sunday 10 April 2011

Traditional Methods are always the BEST!! IS IT TRUE?

Today, soy sauce can be made by two methods: the traditional brewing method (fermentation) and the non-brewed method (chemical-hydrolyzation).

The fermentation method will take up to six months but the non-brewed method takes only two days to make. If soy sauce can be made in just two days, why do we even bother to spend months making it?

Sauces produced by the non-brewing method are often opaque with harsh flavour and chemical aroma. It does not have as desirable taste profile as those produced in the traditional brewed methods which produced transparent, delicately colored broth with balanced flavor and aroma.

The difference in taste occurs because the acid hydrolysis used in the non-brewed method tends to be more complete than its fermentation counterpart. This means that almost all the proteins in the non-brewed soy sauce are converted into amino acids, while in the brewed product more of the amino acids stay together as peptides, providing a different flavor. The brewed product also has alcohols, esters, and other compounds which contribute a different aroma and feel in the mouth.

Therefore almost all production companies which include Kikkoman Soy sauce will adopt the traditional brewing method for the making of soy sauce to produce a well-balanced mix of the five basic flavours to satisfy the palate :D

By: Yueming

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