Tuesday 14 June 2011

GM soya bean could prevent heart attacks and save fish stocks?!

The GM food with direct benefits for human health will be launched after the GM soya bean is approved for general consumption! Isn't it great? Perhaps, after the launch, GM food may seem to be better rather than people thinking:
"GM FOOD Doesn't Have a Bad Image. It Has A Bad Reality"

Researchers at the Univeristy of South Dakota have found that the bean can increase levels of omega-3 acids in the blood. These acids, mainly found in salmon, trout and fresh tuna, protect against cardiovascular diseases and diabetes and assist the growth of brain cells in the young. 
But there are concerns that encouraging fish consumption could spell disaster for marine stocks, placing even greater importance on the soya bean research. It expects the US Food and Drug Administration to approve it for consumption by 2011, allowing it to reach US supermarkets the following year. If European and British authorities also permitted its use then soya bean products containing omega-3 oil could also be exported to Britain. The food would be clearly labelled as GM, said David Stark, Monsanto's vice president for consumer traits.
"Consumers will have a choice: some may choose not to try it, but others will," he said.
"It's another reason for consumers to pause and consider whether GM has a role to play. I think it does, not only for how we deliver food for the planet, but also for how we protect our own health. We've shown for years that GM crops can control pests. That's important to consumers, but not in a personal way. Hopefully this will be personal enough to make a difference."
The trials in South Dakota, led by William Harris, professor of medicine, involved 33 volunteers. The research, published in the journal Lipids, indicated that oil from GM soya increased omega-3 in the participants' blood from an average of 4 per cent to 5 per cent. This could lead to a 50 per cent drop in the risk of heart attacks, said Prof Harris.
Hope that it can be successfully launched to benefit both the humans and fishes~ :)

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