Saturday 9 July 2011

The scary side of GM foods

37 persons killed and 1500 permanently disabled by a highly poisonous substance

New evidence indicate that genetic engineering was the cause

After eating a food supplement produced by genetically engineered bacteria, 37 persons were killed 1500 people were permanently disabled in the US in a disease called eosonophil myalgia syndrome (EMS). It was caused by one or more extremely poisonous substances that unexpectdedly appeared in this food supplement.
The biotech lobby maintained that reduced filtration of impurities was the cause. But new evidence found by the american attorney William Crist proves that many fell ill before the reduction of filtration.
Our analysis, against the background of the new evidence, concludes that it is extremely unlikely that anything else than genetic engineering caused the appearance of the poison.
This accident confirms the predictions of molecular biologists that GE can cause the appearance of dangerous unexpected substances. This has occurred also in other instances.
This unexpected poison would not have been discovered even if the present methods for safety assessment of GE foods had been used. This means that all GE foods on the market are unsafe. It is only a matter of time before another lethal unexpected poison appears in a GE food.

DNA from GE foods can end up in your genes 

Tissues including meat of chicken who had eaten only genetically engineered Bt corn were found to contain pieces of DNA from this food. The problem however is that every cell in plant GE foods contain genetically unstable DNA from the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) promoter. This DNA is suspected to be cancerogenic. Moreover the CaMV is related to human viruses that cause serious diseases (AIDS and Hepatitis B). The corn grains on one cob of GE corn contain hundreds of millions of such CaMV DNA.
This is just one of several studies that have established that the genes in the body may take up potentially harmful, patogenic viral DNA from GE food. It has not been proven that it is safe to ingest large amounts of such dangerous virus genes. Still the GE foods containing them has been approved for sale and are found on the shelves all over the US and other countries.


Pieces of DNA from GM Bt corn have been detectedin chicken tissues including muscles (the meat), liver, kidney and spleen.

The chicken had eaten only the Bt corn for 32 days. The DNA polymerase technique (PCR) was used. This is a standard method for identifying DNA. The Bt-gene itself was however not found. But this depends on special properties of the used examination technique according to professor Jahreis, who leads the research group at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena, Germany. "You can however reckon that there were also pieces of the Bt gene in the chicken tissues" he said.
Professor Jahreis comments that no consumer can protect himself from absorbing foreign genes. "We take up genes from all nutritiens through the so called Peyer Plaques in the gut."
Source: 03.11.00 (german)
Another german research group has demonstrated traces of Bt corn DNA in cows milk and in cow blood immune cells.
Source: (Bauernstimme 11/2000, s. 8).


 I didn't ever thought that these modified genes could end up in our genes and that's so dangerous. Still, USA is still selling GM products which I think is not very wise to do so. But also, it's quite difficult for them to not sell as their population is so big. Singapore on the other hand is become larger and larger and I'll be really freaked out if Singapore starts to sell GM foods all over, taking over the major portions of supermarket food products to cope with the rising need of food to feed the large population. That's gonna be really scary and who knows, we might have no choice but to consume GM food some day? :/

Posted by: Sandy
Taken from:

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