Wednesday 4 May 2011

Benefits of soy products, including soy sauce......

Scientists in Hull say food products made from soy could help in the treatment of diabetes and heart disease.

A team from Hull University based at the city's Royal Infirmary has found that women who increased their intake of soy showed a marked improvement in their blood glucose control.
They also had lower levels of cholesterol which is associated with heart disease.
Produces made from soy include tofu, soy sauce and soy flour.
Blood vessels
Dr Steve Atkin said: "It appears at this stage as though something in soy foodstuffs can delay the onset of diabetes and prevent further risks of heart attack.
"We know that in the Far East, where the intake of soy is far higher than over here, they suffer far less heart disease than we do."
The reason women seem to benefit is that soy appears to act on blood vessels in the same way as the female hormone oestrogen.
Some types of oestrogen have been shown to reduce cholesterol.
Seven months
To take their work forward, the team is looking for volunteers from the local community to help with the study.
"We would like to hear from women with diet-controlled diabetes who are post-menopausal," Dr Atkins explained.
"The study will take seven months to complete but it only involves taking a tablet twice a day."

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