Sunday 15 May 2011

How to make soy sauce :D !

How to make soy sauce :D !

Making soy sauce is simply removing the liquid that the soy beans are fermented in. They still end up with miso that they use as a condiment for cooking things like fish and pork - it gives a plumclike sourness taste

Dried organic soy beans are cooked till they are soft and fall apart into a meal when squeezed between your fingers.
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The soy beans are mixed with flour - ratio that my uncle uses is 16 oz of soy beans (dry weight) is mixed with 12 oz of flour.
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The beans and flour is kneaded together to make a loaf. Although many of industrial producers skip this step.
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The loaf is then cut up into disks - and the whole basket is wrapped in layers of towels to promote mold growth.
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The mold growth part takes about a week.---------------------------------------------

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The Mold has taken Hold!

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Here are the soybean cakes being soaked in the brine - these pictures were taken a few days after the soaking process. They have been sunning in the brine for a few weeks now and will continue to be set outside as long as the weather stays sunny. The saltiness for the soy sauce will come later when the fermented disks are soaked in a brine that contains 8 oz of salt. It's funny - the salt water has been prepared for a few weeks now. Large containers sitting out in the sun (under plexiglass). Leaving it out in the sun will cook out the water, sometimes for a whole month. Perhaps a way to remove impurities - when tap water was not so safe - and nowadays, it may be good to let some of the chemicals used to treat water, evaporate off.

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The completed soy sauce :D !

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