Monday 28 March 2011

The most frightening threat to food safety!

One of the mad cow disease cases :(
A six-year old Alex Donley died of an infection he picked up from eating an contaminated hamburger that contain certain types of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSEs), which is characterized by spongy appearance of the brain tissue of the infected organisms.

His mother, Nancy Donley wrote of his death over a four-day period.

“I helped him to change blood diapers that he had to wear as he could no longer eat or walk. Alex’s screams were followed be silence as the evil toxins at attacked his brain causing him to lose neurological control. His eyes crossed and he suffered tremors and delusion. He no longer knew who I was.”

From Alex’s case, it shows that mad cow disease had actually lead to memory loss which caused Alex, not being able to recognised his mother at all unfortunately. Even worse, this brain damage can happen to such a large extent that eventually it becomes weak and leading to coma.

Mad cow disease is just as scary with any other disease! 

By: Yueming


  1. Omg.
    What is blood diaper?
    Did he die immediately?


  2. The diaper with blood? I think he died after the 4 days of hospitalization

  3. I researched on blood diaper and articles came out such that blood diaper is that one's stools contain blood. Sounds ok but blood diaper this name is a bit weird. Poor boy.

