Tuesday 29 March 2011

Proteins which lead to the cause of MCD!

Images curtesy of University of Leicester

Here, it is clearly apparent that some spirals in the normal protein, have failed to form from the flat amino acid ribbons in the misfolded protein.

The Cause of Malfolded Protein

All proteins are assembled in our cells from ribbons of amino acids.

In every case, these ribbons are then folded into highly and precisely specific configurations - according to the electromagnetic charges and potentials of the component elements, according to the blueprint in the DNA - in order to carry out their specific functions.

In most cases, an atom of a specific trace metal lies at the nexus of every fold and turn.

It is our contention that a missing trace element is the cause of the misfolding of this natural protein.

The following is a conceptual illustration of the cause of misfolding:

Normal protein        Misfolded protein

Here, a certain trace element which is crucial for the proper folding of the protein as in the "B" example, is missing and not available when the protein was assembled, resulting in the misfolding of the protein into the malformed "D" example.

Obviously, the ability of the malformed protein to perform its normal function is sabotaged.



  1. This is an interesting article which shows deeper explanation at a micro-molecular level... wow, i hope advances in the medical sector will be able to reach a such a level, to treat such complex abnormalities :o


  2. But till now there is no cure for mad cow disease just like aids. Quite a saddening issue.

